High Allagan Chimera Leather

Server: Excalibur

Last Updated: 5/22/23 6:55:02 AM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 18
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Gathering info:

39 8,189 8,190 8,189 8,000 8,000 64,000 8 4.90

Level 55 Leatherworker Recipe for High Allagan Chimera Leather

Chemically Treated Chimera Hide 3 9 27 6/2/23 5:56:00 AM
Wind Cluster 1 121 121 9/13/23 4:56:03 PM
Earth Cluster 1 0 0 4/23/24 1:07:15 AM
Black Alumen 3 200 600 5/16/23 10:16:46 PM
Animal Fat 9 214 1,926 2/22/25 8:13:44 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,674

Profit/Loss Normal = 10,344

Profit/Loss HQ = 12,326

60 Tatanora Miniature

Current Prices

Price History

Excalibur Cross Server Data for High Allagan Chimera Leather on Primal

Behemoth 5,250 271 14,594 5,250 18,977 2,750 14,500 626,250 33 6/21/23 2:58:04 AM
Excalibur 8,189 39 8,190 8,189 8,000 -189 8,000 64,000 8 5/22/23 6:55:02 AM
Exodus 3,575 75 3,575 3,577 4,546 4,425 3,749 77,282 17 6/6/23 1:53:41 AM
Famfrit 2,518 39 2,518 9,450 3,135 5,482 2,000 94,058 30 6/8/23 1:50:21 AM
Hyperion 9,999 17 9,999 12,000 23,544 -1,999 30,000 258,994 11 6/9/24 1:54:34 PM
Lamia 12,600 71 12,600 13,532 0 0 0 0 0 4/1/23 9:56:48 AM
Leviathan 7,349 25 7,349 7,350 10,229 651 6,900 81,836 8 6/7/23 11:46:44 AM
Ultros 1,155 23 1,155 9,450 3,393 6,845 1,200 16,968 5 6/24/23 10:03:39 PM