Cobalt Rings

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 2/22/23 11:37:52 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

189 87 105 87 271 170 6,525 24 7.90

Level 43 Armorer Recipe for Cobalt Rings

Ice Shard 5 65 325 2/22/25 4:20:12 AM
Cobalt Ingot 1 600 600 5/1/24 4:09:48 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 925

Profit/Loss Normal = -629

Profit/Loss HQ = -628

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Cobalt Rings on Crystal

Balmung 2,090 185 2,415 2,090 1,117 -1,819 1,897 108,400 97 2/22/23 7:43:56 PM
Coeurl 3 247 0 3 242 268 100 12,100 50 2/28/23 2:59:24 AM
Goblin 604 180 604 609 3,648 -333 7,490 105,819 29 9/12/23 4:47:03 PM
Zalera 100 7 100 249 271 171 250 9,513 35 2/26/23 9:43:46 AM
Brynhildr 1,777 32 1,999 1,777 711 -1,506 400 24,188 34 11/13/22 11:26:18 PM
Diabolos 87 189 105 87 271 184 170 6,525 24 2/22/23 11:37:52 AM
Malboro 1,850 9 1,999 1,850 992 -1,579 700 44,665 45 4/29/23 7:16:21 AM
Mateus 1,000 4 1,000 0 1,243 -729 1,495 52,209 42 6/18/22 7:49:18 AM