Mesquite Juice

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 10/19/24 1:22:45 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

80 900 1,999 900 1,221 689 177,059 145 0.60

Level 98 Culinarian Recipe for Mesquite Juice

Water Crystal 8 28 224 2/9/24 5:30:32 PM
Palm Sugar 1 650 650 1/15/24 7:54:15 AM
Mesquite Beans 2 0 0
Turali Pineapple 1 0 0
Wild Ja Tiika Bananas 1 0 0
Yak T'el Spring Water 1 0 0
Nopalitender Tuna 1 250 250 9/29/24 6:57:15 PM
Fire Crystal 8 59 472 9/17/24 5:54:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,596

Profit/Loss Normal = 157

Profit/Loss HQ = 859

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Mesquite Juice on Crystal

Brynhildr 2,900 386 3,500 2,900 3,120 -1,679 1,269 493,098 158 2/22/25 1:53:38 AM
Diabolos 900 80 1,999 900 1,221 321 689 177,059 145 10/19/24 1:22:45 AM
Malboro 630 149 2,500 630 2,064 591 930 103,240 50 3/12/25 4:40:55 PM