Alien Onion

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 5/18/23 1:48:12 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

90 Reah Tahra, The Sea of Stars Region: Ultima Thule

1416 8 8 8 35 2,861 341 4.20

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Alien Onion on Crystal

Balmung 10 2,200 0 10 18 -2 10 8,771 477 6/10/24 4:42:33 AM
Coeurl 20 1,251 0 20 40 -12 23 28,457 703 11/9/24 2:12:09 PM
Goblin 15 1,004 0 15 37 -7 20 13,597 358 1/7/24 6:02:09 AM
Zalera 7 4,226 0 7 7 1 6 6,562 833 6/18/24 5:34:55 PM
Brynhildr 9 1,194 0 9 9 -1 14 4,814 492 6/2/24 9:34:53 PM
Diabolos 8 1,416 0 8 8 0 35 2,861 341 5/18/23 1:48:12 AM
Malboro 60 574 0 60 104 -52 63 33,212 319 2/21/25 5:54:48 AM
Mateus 48 967 0 48 23 -40 100 25,727 1,091 9/23/23 12:06:06 AM