Bronze Mitt Gauntlets

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 1/16/23 11:10:08 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

3 100 100 112 100 449 4 0.80

Level 9 Armorer Recipe for Bronze Mitt Gauntlets

Ice Shard 1 65 65 2/22/25 4:20:12 AM
Earth Shard 1 52 52 2/27/23 4:24:58 PM
Bronze Plate 1 48 48 6/24/23 9:43:03 PM
Bronze Rivets 1 199 199 6/5/23 4:18:27 PM
Leather 1 10 10 11/5/23 7:38:39 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 374

Profit/Loss Normal = 526

Profit/Loss HQ = 9,626

16 Decorated Bronze Mitt Gauntlets

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria I
Ice Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Bronze Mitt Gauntlets on Crystal

Balmung 525 2 0 525 2,999 -413 3,000 5,999 2 4/17/23 4:55:44 AM
Coeurl 400 2 4,000 400 2,002 -288 3,999 4,004 2 2/6/23 10:42:09 PM
Goblin 500 3 0 500 1,121 -388 105 5,605 5 1/22/23 9:38:03 PM
Zalera 500 14 700 500 565 -388 500 1,695 3 10/7/24 10:43:26 AM
Brynhildr 748 5 19,000 748 220 -636 700 2,872 13 7/13/19 4:21:40 AM
Diabolos 100 3 0 100 112 12 100 449 4 1/16/23 11:10:08 AM
Malboro 800 4 0 800 2,383 -688 2,420 11,916 5 4/17/23 1:39:28 AM
Mateus 4 4 3,000 4 551 108 1,008 2,756 5 3/21/21 8:37:47 AM