
Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 5/27/23 10:52:35 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 27
More Information

Gathering info:

4 683 683 495 495 7,935 16 0.20

Level 72 Culinarian Recipe for Caramels

Sour Cream 3 138 414 8/4/23 7:32:38 AM
Fermented Butter 1 1,363 1,363 6/11/22 8:32:33 PM
Water Crystal 6 28 168 2/9/24 5:30:32 PM
Garden Beet Sugar 3 683 2,049 2/20/23 9:59:51 PM
Fire Crystal 6 59 354 9/17/24 5:54:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 4,348

Profit/Loss Normal = -800

Profit/Loss HQ = -449

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Caramels on Crystal

Balmung 9,342 141 9,342 0 3,479 -8,847 6,000 59,152 17 5/14/23 7:32:25 AM
Coeurl 1,522 444 5,250 1,522 7,920 -1,027 10,000 118,800 15 5/3/23 4:05:30 PM
Goblin 2,048 445 2,048 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 11:45:01 PM
Zalera 10,500 6 0 10,500 850 -10,005 799 37,414 44 4/25/23 4:04:02 PM
Brynhildr 6,000 143 6,000 0 2,344 -5,505 3,027 192,270 82 4/21/22 4:06:46 PM
Diabolos 683 4 0 683 495 -188 495 7,935 16 5/27/23 10:52:35 PM
Malboro 250 274 290 250 2,761 245 2,000 107,700 39 3/12/25 4:48:47 PM
Mateus 5,250 4 9,763 5,250 9,418 -4,755 9,000 404,997 43 4/7/23 2:41:56 AM