Hunting Supplies

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 10/22/21 10:59:58 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

20 1,995 1,995 1,900 1,995 19,007 10 2.00

Level 54 Armorer Recipe for Hunting Supplies

Hardsilver Nugget 2 1,000 2,000 10/24/24 8:50:34 PM
Titanium Nugget 4 1,049 4,196 3/2/23 5:00:03 AM
Ice Shard 7 65 455 2/22/25 4:20:12 AM
Earth Shard 7 52 364 2/27/23 4:24:58 PM
Cedar Lumber 2 1,200 2,400 8/28/23 10:52:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,415

Profit/Loss Normal = 10,584

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Cedar Lumber
Ice Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Hunting Supplies on Crystal

Balmung 23,099 18 0 23,099 38,699 -21,199 34,998 193,496 5 6/17/23 8:58:15 PM
Coeurl 30,450 15 0 30,450 30,497 -28,550 28,001 243,979 8 6/23/23 6:59:05 AM
Goblin 42,414 9 0 42,414 28,054 -40,514 29,999 168,328 6 6/15/23 8:52:42 PM
Zalera 29,295 16 0 29,295 27,895 -27,395 27,900 139,479 5 6/17/23 8:16:58 AM
Brynhildr 43,050 5 0 43,050 29,621 -41,150 39,999 148,108 5 6/17/23 11:13:44 AM
Diabolos 1,995 20 0 1,995 1,900 -95 1,995 19,007 10 10/22/21 10:59:58 PM
Malboro 45,000 13 0 45,000 32,010 -43,100 50,030 160,054 5 6/2/23 3:04:28 AM
Mateus 57,013 12 0 57,013 53,914 -55,113 54,318 323,487 6 5/14/23 5:59:12 AM