Wooden Steps

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 9/12/23 4:59:57 PM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 45
More Information

Gathering info:

39 13,691 13,691 13,031 13,039 65,156 5 7.80

Level 45 Carpenter Recipe for Wooden Steps

Ice Shard 5 65 325 2/22/25 4:20:12 AM
Wind Shard 6 80 480 8/31/23 4:32:09 AM
Mythril Rivets 2 1,700 3,400 10/23/24 1:32:55 AM
Rosewood Lumber 2 125 250 8/31/23 11:06:50 PM
Varnish 2 1,250 2,500 7/3/23 7:23:15 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,955

Profit/Loss Normal = 19,044

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria I
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Wooden Steps on Crystal

Balmung 18,811 53 0 18,811 19,160 -5,780 18,810 1,111,315 58 7/3/22 11:41:33 PM
Coeurl 12,990 31 0 12,990 15,212 41 12,990 821,460 54 7/3/22 11:52:11 PM
Goblin 24,999 42 0 24,999 34,219 -11,968 33,000 684,399 20 7/5/23 3:07:51 AM
Zalera 39,899 59 0 39,899 39,986 -26,868 39,975 599,792 15 10/7/23 12:12:32 PM
Brynhildr 12,899 56 0 12,899 0 0 0 0 0 9/12/23 7:36:17 PM
Diabolos 13,691 39 0 13,691 13,031 -660 13,039 65,156 5 9/12/23 4:59:57 PM
Malboro 13,999 97 0 13,999 15,609 -968 15,000 312,186 20 12/13/23 9:04:55 PM
Mateus 24,799 11 0 24,799 15,961 -11,768 24,799 319,232 20 2/6/23 8:01:22 PM