Cloud Mica

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 8/2/23 7:29:51 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

58 Landlord Colony, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists
58 Landlord Colony, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists

2391 305 305 306 305 465,864 1,521 1.60
56 Titanium Ingot
56 Titanium Ingot
56 Cloud Mica Whetstone

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Cloud Mica on Crystal

Balmung 290 1,452 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 4/1/23 11:02:00 PM
Coeurl 300 105 0 300 341 6 350 355,554 1,040 2/19/25 9:04:00 AM
Goblin 276 1,167 0 276 273 30 199 501,427 1,834 10/11/23 6:14:30 PM
Zalera 270 2,134 0 270 287 36 300 462,408 1,606 5/5/23 8:31:50 PM
Brynhildr 395 446 0 395 274 -89 1,000 299,980 1,091 2/19/25 9:05:23 AM
Diabolos 305 2,391 0 305 306 1 305 465,864 1,521 8/2/23 7:29:51 PM
Malboro 290 441 0 290 265 16 290 262,038 988 2/19/25 9:00:44 AM
Mateus 333 230 0 333 348 -27 4,000 334,241 959 2/19/25 9:04:48 AM