Standing Signboard

Server: Diabolos

Last Updated: 6/21/23 7:15:18 PM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

6 42,000 42,000 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 30 Carpenter Recipe for Standing Signboard

Ice Shard 3 65 195 2/22/25 4:20:12 AM
Wind Shard 3 80 240 8/31/23 4:32:09 AM
Walnut Lumber 2 367 734 10/2/23 6:25:20 AM
Steel Hinge 1 2,100 2,100 8/31/23 4:12:42 AM
Adventurers' Guild Aduyses 1 33,285 33,285 5/22/23 8:30:47 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 36,554

Profit/Loss Normal = 63,346

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Diabolos Cross Server Data for Standing Signboard on Crystal

Balmung 15,740 8 0 15,740 66,652 -15,740 50,000 199,958 3 5/9/23 12:41:42 AM
Coeurl 3,150 5 0 3,150 2,423 -3,150 2,799 9,695 4 5/21/23 6:59:15 AM
Goblin 11,970 6 0 11,970 8,250 -11,970 1,260 41,250 5 4/29/23 4:47:52 PM
Zalera 1,855 9 0 1,855 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/23 3:06:16 PM
Brynhildr 5,355 8 0 5,355 5,859 -5,355 5,095 17,579 3 6/10/22 1:39:10 AM
Diabolos 42,000 6 0 42,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/21/23 7:15:18 PM
Malboro 9,857 11 0 9,857 6,829 -9,857 9,998 20,488 3 4/18/23 10:53:09 AM
Mateus 19,949 9 0 19,949 13,930 -19,949 298 83,583 6 4/24/22 11:20:22 PM