Spruce Lumber

Server: Coeurl

Last Updated: 10/19/24 8:43:16 AM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

319 1,983 1,989 1,983 2,063 1,987 445,729 216 1.50

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Spruce Lumber

Wind Crystal 3 89 267 6/25/24 4:57:12 PM
Spruce Log 3 420 1,260 10/3/23 6:35:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,527

Profit/Loss Normal = 456

Profit/Loss HQ = 462

Current Prices

Price History

Coeurl Cross Server Data for Spruce Lumber on Crystal

Balmung 2,899 32 3,295 2,899 1,864 -836 2,000 89,507 48 2/13/25 2:38:40 AM
Coeurl 1,983 319 1,989 1,983 2,063 80 1,987 445,729 216 10/19/24 8:43:16 AM
Goblin 1,500 174 2,300 1,500 1,742 563 2,500 404,360 232 9/30/23 2:00:53 PM
Zalera 1,837 193 1,890 1,837 2,002 226 1,902 516,636 258 9/25/23 10:13:56 AM
Brynhildr 1,799 144 1,799 1,800 1,740 264 1,000 334,128 192 6/3/24 1:25:30 PM
Diabolos 2,499 480 2,899 2,499 2,056 -436 2,000 1,435,607 698 9/22/23 4:28:16 PM
Malboro 2,000 533 2,248 2,000 1,826 63 2,002 270,253 148 12/9/23 9:44:06 PM
Mateus 2,509 139 2,510 2,509 0 0 0 0 0 10/5/23 12:13:56 PM