Frontier Pumps

Server: Coeurl

Last Updated: 6/24/23 10:57:32 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

18 124,005 124,005 124,110 134,873 118,999 674,368 5 3.60

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Frontier Pumps

Wind Crystal 7 89 623 6/25/24 4:57:12 PM
Earth Crystal 7 65 455 2/24/25 11:32:19 PM
Silver Beech Lumber 1 600 600 10/19/24 8:47:26 AM
Thylacoleo Leather 2 2,999 5,998 11/14/22 3:39:44 AM
Frontier Cloth 1 94,500 94,500 2/26/23 10:31:33 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 102,176

Profit/Loss Normal = 45,824

Profit/Loss HQ = 97,812

Current Prices

Price History

Coeurl Cross Server Data for Frontier Pumps on Crystal

Balmung 279,845 12 279,845 280,001 285,696 -144,972 279,884 1,714,181 6 9/20/23 11:01:37 PM
Coeurl 124,005 18 124,005 124,110 134,873 10,868 118,999 674,368 5 6/24/23 10:57:32 PM
Goblin 167,999 11 167,999 173,250 149,666 -33,126 150,000 449,000 3 6/27/23 10:44:14 AM
Zalera 301,349 3 301,349 0 290,298 -166,476 300,000 870,896 3 6/16/23 4:57:37 PM
Brynhildr 210,000 12 210,000 219,975 204,448 -75,127 190,000 2,044,482 10 6/16/23 9:56:09 AM
Diabolos 88,949 10 94,999 88,949 83,737 45,924 80,000 334,948 4 5/1/24 2:34:19 PM
Malboro 303,443 2 303,443 303,450 267,761 -168,570 288,991 1,338,807 5 6/10/23 8:58:50 AM
Mateus 141,641 18 141,641 146,730 138,045 -6,768 134,896 1,242,411 9 6/24/23 1:56:24 PM