Factory Interior Wall

Server: Coeurl

Last Updated: 6/18/23 10:47:39 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

21 3,900 3,900 4,942 3,995 98,857 20 1.00

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Factory Interior Wall

Earth Crystal 7 65 455 2/24/25 11:32:19 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 12 1,610 19,320 10/19/24 8:33:25 AM
Weathering Agent 2 667 1,334 6/18/23 11:00:35 PM
Cobalt Plate 4 3,000 12,000 10/19/24 8:39:33 AM
Ice Crystal 7 26 182 2/19/23 10:42:45 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 33,291

Profit/Loss Normal = -22,291

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Coeurl Cross Server Data for Factory Interior Wall on Crystal

Balmung 13,649 32 0 13,649 13,919 -8,707 14,198 69,596 5 3/2/23 6:59:05 AM
Coeurl 3,900 21 0 3,900 4,942 1,042 3,995 98,857 20 6/18/23 10:47:39 PM
Goblin 8,400 15 0 8,400 15,029 -3,458 10,000 75,149 5 3/1/23 3:57:07 AM
Zalera 6,998 36 0 6,998 6,192 -2,056 6,995 105,268 17 6/30/22 3:09:12 AM
Brynhildr 1,333 35 0 1,333 0 0 0 0 0 2/3/24 1:18:02 AM
Diabolos 5,000 54 0 5,000 7,121 -58 6,825 64,097 9 7/19/22 9:49:15 PM
Malboro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/17/23 7:31:27 AM
Mateus 34,997 13 0 34,997 22,192 -30,055 34,900 732,364 33 7/1/22 2:06:12 AM