Carbuncle Chronometer

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 5/25/23 11:42:07 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

23 564 564 575 650 2,300 4 5.80

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Carbuncle Chronometer

Fire Cluster 1 30 30 2/24/23 5:06:41 AM
Wind Cluster 2 135 270 6/21/23 6:52:10 AM
Mythril Ingot 5 420 2,100 6/15/22 10:59:50 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 5 1,027 5,135 2/25/23 10:40:41 PM
Cobalt Rivets 4 1,053 4,212 6/22/23 11:58:12 AM
Ruby 1 2 2 3/22/23 11:59:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,749

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,099

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Mythril Ingot
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Carbuncle Chronometer on Mana

Anima 1,103 16 0 1,103 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 6:38:30 PM
Asura 987 13 0 987 700 -412 650 2,800 4 6/16/22 8:17:50 AM
Chocobo 564 23 0 564 575 11 650 2,300 4 5/25/23 11:42:07 AM
Hades 714 30 0 714 919 -139 820 4,599 5 5/6/23 7:59:50 AM
Ixion 357 33 0 357 468 218 500 2,340 5 6/4/23 3:23:33 AM
Masamune 998 17 0 998 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 12:39:05 PM
Pandaemonium 525 30 0 525 650 50 700 3,250 5 6/16/22 6:06:05 AM
Titan 557 30 0 557 731 18 400 3,655 5 5/25/23 8:32:14 AM