Cotton Yarn

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 6/18/23 12:41:28 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

372 32 97 32 17 20 155 9 41.30

Level 12 Weaver Recipe for Cotton Yarn

Cotton Boll 2 2 4 5/14/21 3:04:43 AM
Lightning Shard 1 34 34 6/15/22 8:47:28 AM

Total Price to Craft 2 : 38

Profit/Loss Normal = -9

Profit/Loss HQ = 21

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Cotton Yarn on Mana

Anima 21 416 32 21 23 -4 28 167 7 6/15/22 2:57:52 PM
Asura 76 1,127 84 76 73 -59 73 17,269 234 6/16/22 8:17:52 AM
Belias 21 1,067 45 21 18 -4 20 4,740 250 6/15/22 3:11:03 PM
Chocobo 32 372 97 32 17 -15 20 155 9 6/18/23 12:41:28 PM
Hades 95 639 105 95 89 -78 93 449 5 5/30/23 10:01:15 AM
Ixion 21 902 21 26 26 -4 30 187 7 6/15/23 1:55:44 AM
Mandragora 84 18 158 84 234 -67 300 3,280 14 6/16/22 6:53:18 AM
Masamune 53 2,760 103 53 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 5:47:10 AM
Pandaemonium 29 542 90 29 79 -12 20 1,347 17 6/16/22 6:06:12 AM
Shinryu 54 745 84 54 109 -37 110 5,271 48 5/25/23 6:04:35 PM
Titan 21 447 42 21 22 -4 30 687 30 5/18/23 4:19:37 PM