Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 6/14/22 2:41:12 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

16 11,697 11,697 11,001 11,200 55,009 5 3.20

Level 89 Armorer Recipe for Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting

Earth Crystal 8 13 104 2/26/23 10:33:43 AM
Manganese Ingot 1 433 433 6/16/22 4:14:36 AM
Chondrite Ingot 2 830 1,660 3/3/23 8:57:03 AM
Integral Lumber 1 761 761 3/10/23 3:57:43 AM
Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest 1 328 328 6/15/22 2:43:29 AM
Ice Crystal 8 24 192 6/15/22 10:59:16 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,478

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,912

Profit/Loss HQ = 21,292

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Chondrite Sollerets of Scouting on Mana

Anima 30,450 9 30,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/22/23 5:24:22 AM
Asura 23,100 3 23,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 2:02:57 AM
Belias 15,046 7 15,046 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 3:37:52 AM
Chocobo 11,697 16 11,697 0 11,001 -696 11,200 55,009 5 6/14/22 2:41:12 AM
Hades 18,900 8 18,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 7:48:18 AM
Ixion 21,700 13 21,700 0 21,229 -10,699 21,229 42,458 2 6/6/23 10:58:22 AM
Mandragora 30,135 5 30,135 0 28,096 -19,134 28,795 112,385 4 6/8/22 7:27:50 AM
Masamune 24,150 6 24,150 0 20,199 -13,149 23,000 100,999 5 6/14/22 1:43:15 AM
Pandaemonium 23,310 8 23,310 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/8/22 6:41:41 AM
Shinryu 15,750 2 15,750 0 16,845 -4,749 15,000 84,229 5 6/8/22 7:00:09 AM
Titan 29,851 7 29,851 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/5/23 3:29:19 PM