Kudzu Cloth

Server: Chocobo

Last Updated: 6/8/22 12:24:16 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

292 1,050 1,575 1,050 1,224 1,000 15,918 13 22.50

Level 64 Weaver Recipe for Kudzu Cloth

Lightning Crystal 2 19 38 2/13/23 4:42:34 AM
Ruby Cotton Yarn 1 210 210 6/13/23 12:16:03 AM
Kudzu Thread 2 242 484 6/21/23 4:50:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 732

Profit/Loss Normal = 468

Profit/Loss HQ = 768

Current Prices

Price History

Chocobo Cross Server Data for Kudzu Cloth on Mana

Anima 1,995 394 2,205 1,995 2,607 -771 2,500 36,500 14 6/8/22 1:39:37 AM
Asura 1,167 469 1,680 1,167 1,533 57 1,000 18,400 12 6/7/22 11:28:54 PM
Belias 1,575 203 1,680 1,575 1,450 -351 1,493 126,186 87 6/8/22 2:02:07 AM
Chocobo 1,050 292 1,575 1,050 1,224 174 1,000 15,918 13 6/8/22 12:24:16 AM
Hades 1,428 180 1,575 1,428 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 4:45:02 PM
Ixion 1,575 300 3,150 1,575 1,470 -351 1,400 25,003 17 6/7/22 9:34:27 PM
Mandragora 2,615 155 3,150 2,615 1,906 -1,391 3,000 53,381 28 6/7/22 9:39:22 PM
Masamune 2,100 227 2,100 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/7/22 11:00:48 PM
Pandaemonium 1,575 22 0 1,575 1,247 -351 1,100 122,300 98 6/7/22 8:47:09 PM
Shinryu 1,155 171 1,260 1,155 1,023 69 1,100 44,000 43 6/7/22 9:06:13 PM
Titan 1,050 257 1,050 1,470 0 0 0 0 0 6/8/22 12:10:50 AM