Chilled Red

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 5/27/23 4:50:23 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

46 16,695 16,695 22,422 13,000 448,453 20 2.30

Level 30 Culinarian Recipe for Chilled Red

Orange Juice 1 93 93 4/25/23 2:42:34 PM
Grape Juice 1 263 263 6/2/23 2:32:31 AM
Table Salt 1 9 9 9/13/23 10:42:11 AM
Silver Ingot 1 1,989 1,989 2/24/25 9:23:46 PM
Ice Crystal 1 0 0 2/14/23 8:14:15 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,354

Profit/Loss Normal = 46,643

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

90 Ivy-canopied Deck

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Chilled Red on Chaos

Cerberus 16,695 46 0 16,695 22,422 5,727 13,000 448,453 20 5/27/23 4:50:23 PM
Louisoix 7,999 10 0 7,999 18,499 14,423 17,999 36,998 2 10/14/24 5:30:13 PM
Moogle 13,648 32 0 13,648 14,999 8,774 12,998 164,989 11 6/1/23 4:50:31 PM
Omega 41,994 26 0 41,994 42,521 -19,572 39,995 212,605 5 5/24/23 1:58:04 PM
Ragnarok 39,375 35 0 39,375 39,715 -16,953 38,000 397,150 10 6/3/23 2:43:00 AM
Spriggan 23,226 31 0 23,226 22,983 -804 22,130 183,869 8 6/7/23 5:50:17 AM
Sagittarius 19,058 3 0 19,058 18,230 3,364 18,150 91,150 5 6/13/23 4:50:54 PM
Phantom 26,039 10 0 26,039 24,987 -3,617 24,988 124,936 5 6/11/23 2:53:22 AM