Basilisk Whetstone

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 5/19/23 11:59:32 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

149 317 3,150 317 453 700 22,199 49 3.00

Level 40 Goldsmith Recipe for Basilisk Whetstone

Wind Shard 5 60 300 4/24/24 10:00:08 AM
Basilisk Egg 1 5 5 9/20/23 10:57:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 305

Profit/Loss Normal = 792

Profit/Loss HQ = 790

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Basilisk Whetstone on Chaos

Cerberus 317 149 3,150 317 453 136 700 22,199 49 5/19/23 11:59:32 PM
Louisoix 450 427 1,980 450 669 3 487 152,669 228 5/23/24 6:08:54 PM
Moogle 423 38 423 520 483 30 600 109,720 227 5/18/23 12:50:58 PM
Omega 498 320 700 498 779 -45 451 346,996 445 2/19/25 6:07:46 PM
Ragnarok 2,099 195 3,150 2,099 2,655 -1,646 2,299 58,429 22 6/22/23 1:37:30 PM
Spriggan 441 749 441 525 563 12 400 34,910 62 6/27/23 12:37:21 PM
Sagittarius 390 671 650 390 704 63 500 180,469 256 11/10/24 9:56:28 AM
Phantom 1,050 123 3,045 1,050 802 -597 1,599 195,058 243 6/17/23 4:54:56 PM