Gryphonskin Thighboots

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 5/11/23 6:21:28 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 83
More Information

Gathering info:

6 14,895 14,895 14,900 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Gryphonskin Thighboots

Wind Cluster 1 154 154 10/5/23 8:23:58 AM
Earth Cluster 1 57 57 6/19/23 10:59:27 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 6,090 6,090 3/2/23 12:59:32 PM
Coeurl Fur 2 1 2 5/31/24 3:03:07 PM
Raptor Sinew 1 200 200 10/8/23 12:17:56 AM
Gryphonskin Knee Pads 1 1,573 1,573 5/25/23 10:54:15 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,076

Profit/Loss Normal = -5,326

Profit/Loss HQ = -4,686

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Gryphonskin Thighboots on Chaos

Cerberus 14,895 6 14,895 14,900 0 0 0 0 0 5/11/23 6:21:28 PM
Louisoix 5,250 1 5,250 0 1,488 -5,250 1,300 7,440 5 9/12/23 1:19:24 PM
Moogle 275 11 570 275 409 -275 599 2,049 5 11/10/21 1:09:40 PM
Omega 898 10 10,000 898 299 -898 299 299 1 2/10/25 7:34:12 PM
Ragnarok 1,800 10 1,800 3,000 2,000 -1,800 1,500 4,000 2 9/15/19 9:06:29 AM
Spriggan 1,183 17 1,298 1,183 972 -1,183 1,000 3,890 4 10/27/21 8:20:52 PM