Amaurotine Interior Wall

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 2/28/23 9:23:26 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

45 21,524 21,524 29,509 21,688 619,706 21 2.10

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Amaurotine Interior Wall

Wind Crystal 8 53 424 9/12/23 2:57:53 PM
Onyx 5 1,583 7,915 2/24/23 3:31:48 PM
Annite Whetstone 5 231 1,155 10/7/23 7:28:48 PM
Granite 8 313 2,504 4/12/23 2:44:02 PM
Mortar 4 849 3,396 6/17/24 6:52:49 PM
Fire Crystal 8 85 680 1/16/23 7:46:16 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,074

Profit/Loss Normal = 11,643

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Amaurotine Interior Wall on Chaos

Cerberus 21,524 45 0 21,524 29,509 7,985 21,688 619,706 21 2/28/23 9:23:26 AM
Louisoix 31,500 26 0 31,500 19,039 -1,991 24,999 190,396 10 9/13/23 8:59:57 AM
Moogle 24,808 21 0 24,808 26,404 4,701 24,809 52,809 2 2/24/25 2:58:07 PM
Omega 12,390 100 0 12,390 18,761 17,119 10,000 243,905 13 2/23/23 9:05:28 AM
Ragnarok 17,849 35 0 17,849 11,578 11,660 15,000 382,088 33 2/28/23 9:37:21 AM
Spriggan 109,848 33 0 109,848 110,710 -80,339 109,948 1,107,103 10 6/25/22 2:02:45 PM
Sagittarius 9,140 14 0 9,140 9,632 20,369 9,147 77,059 8 6/17/24 8:52:03 AM
Phantom 56,997 10 0 56,997 9,998 -27,488 9,999 29,994 3 12/28/23 9:45:33 AM