Walnut Flower Vases

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 5/31/24 8:08:30 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

13 6,994 6,994 10,019 9,999 30,057 3 4.30

Level 86 Alchemist Recipe for Walnut Flower Vases

Lightning Crystal 8 83 664 6/26/24 6:28:19 AM
Water Crystal 8 64 512 5/9/23 7:38:22 AM
Oldrose Seeds 2 29,400 58,800 5/19/23 1:48:12 PM
Tulip Bulbs 2 525 1,050 5/18/21 9:41:08 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 4 2,346 9,384 9/13/23 3:54:25 PM
Walnut Lumber 4 1,200 4,800 6/11/24 7:21:39 PM
Humus 4 70 280 2/24/25 7:47:27 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 75,490

Profit/Loss Normal = -65,491

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Walnut Flower Vases on Chaos

Cerberus 6,994 13 0 6,994 10,019 3,025 9,999 30,057 3 5/31/24 8:08:30 PM
Louisoix 2,994 29 0 2,994 3,544 7,025 2,999 21,267 6 12/1/22 4:50:35 PM
Moogle 5,995 14 0 5,995 9,255 4,024 9,258 27,767 3 2/20/25 10:36:29 PM
Omega 3,464 28 0 3,464 5,999 6,555 5,999 29,996 5 2/21/23 4:47:44 PM
Ragnarok 40,204 22 0 40,204 44,744 -30,185 38,298 313,212 7 2/22/23 11:40:25 AM
Spriggan 5,980 33 0 5,980 6,710 4,039 5,990 80,529 12 2/28/23 2:12:01 PM
Sagittarius 10,500 9 0 10,500 9,860 -481 9,998 69,020 7 2/27/23 6:55:40 PM
Phantom 7,749 14 0 7,749 4,539 2,270 7,749 13,618 3 10/28/23 9:16:38 AM