Heavy Darksteel Armor

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 4/29/23 4:59:18 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 138
More Information

Gathering info:

13 2,100 3,986 2,100 3,796 3,796 3,796 1 13.00

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Heavy Darksteel Armor

Ice Cluster 1 9 9 9/19/23 9:59:06 PM
Earth Cluster 1 57 57 6/19/23 10:59:27 PM
Silver Ingot 1 1,989 1,989 2/24/25 9:23:46 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 6,090 6,090 3/2/23 12:59:32 PM
Darksteel Plate 2 3,859 7,718 6/19/23 12:50:58 PM
Darksteel Breastplate 1 2,305 2,305 6/15/23 7:59:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 18,168

Profit/Loss Normal = -15,019

Profit/Loss HQ = -15,668

Desynthesizes into:

Silver Ingot
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Heavy Darksteel Armor on Chaos

Cerberus 2,100 13 3,986 2,100 3,796 1,696 3,796 3,796 1 4/29/23 4:59:18 AM
Louisoix 2,995 15 2,999 2,995 3,099 801 3,099 3,099 1 4/18/22 9:17:02 AM
Moogle 10,498 10 10,498 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 2:35:49 AM
Omega 73,499 1 73,499 0 12,788 -69,703 50,000 63,940 5 6/15/22 4:07:59 AM
Ragnarok 1,995 10 1,995 2,094 0 0 0 0 0 6/25/23 4:33:31 PM
Spriggan 1,026 9 2,089 1,026 0 0 0 0 0 4/6/23 3:54:12 PM
Sagittarius 7,000 7 10,499 7,000 28,075 -3,204 46,152 56,150 2 2/21/23 10:26:03 AM
Phantom 12,390 5 12,390 12,495 0 0 0 0 0 6/17/23 2:39:05 PM