Velveteen Robe

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 6/18/23 11:11:17 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 44
More Information

Gathering info:

4 31,499 31,499 29,999 29,999 29,999 1 4.00

Level 31 Weaver Recipe for Velveteen Robe

Wind Shard 3 60 180 4/24/24 10:00:08 AM
Silver Ingot 1 1,989 1,989 2/24/25 9:23:46 PM
Undyed Velveteen 3 30 90 5/18/23 11:39:16 PM
Dew Thread 2 876 1,752 7/29/22 5:16:54 PM
Lightning Shard 3 70 210 2/3/23 1:35:47 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,221

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,221

Profit/Loss HQ = 25,778

Desynthesizes into:

Dew Thread
Lightning Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Velveteen Robe on Chaos

Cerberus 31,499 4 31,499 0 29,999 -1,500 29,999 29,999 1 6/18/23 11:11:17 AM
Louisoix 24,000 5 26,000 24,000 25,000 5,999 25,000 50,000 2 6/1/23 4:40:29 PM
Moogle 42,047 3 186,900 42,047 26,826 -12,048 89,000 134,132 5 6/14/22 4:55:00 AM
Omega 31,500 2 33,600 31,500 24,625 -1,501 31,000 98,500 4 6/14/22 5:20:12 AM
Ragnarok 18,000 1 18,000 0 29,254 11,999 9,000 292,548 10 11/1/21 5:47:34 PM
Spriggan 30,748 2 30,748 0 5,000 -749 5,000 5,000 1 6/14/23 7:39:34 PM
Sagittarius 5,250 10 14,700 5,250 15,097 24,749 20,000 60,388 4 6/24/23 11:48:44 PM
Phantom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/18/23 4:24:20 PM