Deus Ex Gratia

Server: Cerberus

Last Updated: 6/4/21 9:18:09 AM
Search Category: Scholar's Arms | Item Category: Scholar's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

10 1,260 1,260 1,983 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Deus Ex Gratia

Lightning Cluster 1 122 122 9/19/23 9:27:23 PM
Water Cluster 1 33 33 3/4/23 12:58:23 AM
Darksteel Nugget 3 1,394 4,182 6/20/24 1:26:45 PM
Silver Ingot 1 1,989 1,989 2/24/25 9:23:46 PM
Hippogryph Leather 1 799 799 5/31/24 2:55:26 PM
Silk Thread 1 525 525 2/27/23 10:58:28 PM
Enchanted Rose Gold Ink 1 420 420 6/23/23 11:50:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,070

Profit/Loss Normal = -5,270

Profit/Loss HQ = -3,671

Current Prices

Price History

Cerberus Cross Server Data for Deus Ex Gratia on Chaos

Cerberus 1,260 10 1,260 1,983 0 0 0 0 0 6/4/21 9:18:09 AM
Louisoix 663 17 663 700 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/22 10:49:14 PM
Moogle 100 11 497 100 100 -100 100 100 1 4/29/22 2:53:31 PM
Omega 300 3 379 300 0 0 0 0 0 1/19/22 2:52:22 PM
Ragnarok 838 17 838 1,365 0 0 0 0 0 2/28/23 11:41:08 PM
Spriggan 1,149 17 1,159 1,149 735 -1,149 940 5,886 8 10/10/21 7:34:20 AM