Arachne Velveteen

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 5/27/23 6:32:13 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

59 10,500 19,950 10,500 17,949 16,900 215,397 12 4.90

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Arachne Velveteen

Wind Cluster 2 51 102 5/16/23 9:39:32 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 70 140 5/18/23 10:10:44 PM
Allagan Silk 1 672 672 3/24/23 10:50:53 PM
Arachne Web 1 9,450 9,450 6/9/22 12:04:57 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 10,364

Profit/Loss Normal = 9,636

Profit/Loss HQ = 9,636

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Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Arachne Velveteen on Elemental

Aegis 8,400 18 8,400 8,400 7,300 9,549 8,000 43,800 6 6/24/23 10:55:22 PM
Atomos 18,900 23 19,949 18,900 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 3:37:33 AM
Carbuncle 10,500 59 19,950 10,500 17,949 7,449 16,900 215,397 12 5/27/23 6:32:13 AM
Garuda 1,440 66 2,200 1,440 1,699 16,509 2,000 6,799 4 3/14/25 1:19:40 AM
Kujata 1,980 32 1,980 1,999 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 10:58:37 AM
Tonberry 3,150 10 9,240 3,150 7,777 14,799 7,777 7,777 1 9/18/23 1:44:50 AM
Typhon 5,250 9 8,400 5,250 0 0 0 0 0 5/23/23 8:40:39 AM