Darksteel Ingot

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 6/15/22 11:16:26 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

352 3,150 3,780 3,150 4,296 3,999 459,724 107 3.30

Level 50 Blacksmith Recipe for Darksteel Ingot

Fire Cluster 1 68 68 1/31/23 10:35:48 PM
Darksteel Nugget 2 1,103 2,206 2/13/23 3:11:05 AM
Coke 9 305 2,745 6/15/22 8:35:52 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,019

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,019

Profit/Loss HQ = -919

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Darksteel Ingot

Ice Cluster 1 18 18 6/9/22 11:45:30 AM
Darksteel Nugget 2 1,103 2,206 2/13/23 3:11:05 AM
Coke 9 305 2,745 6/15/22 8:35:52 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,969

Profit/Loss Normal = -969

Profit/Loss HQ = -869

Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Darksteel Ingot on Elemental

Aegis 4,095 274 4,148 4,095 4,056 201 3,900 202,806 50 10/8/23 9:57:46 AM
Atomos 3,675 250 4,095 3,675 5,373 621 3,500 763,007 142 6/15/22 11:06:21 AM
Carbuncle 3,150 352 3,780 3,150 4,296 1,146 3,999 459,724 107 6/15/22 11:16:26 AM
Garuda 3,675 117 3,675 3,675 4,040 621 3,800 161,600 40 6/15/22 4:31:09 AM
Gungnir 3,560 317 3,885 3,560 4,449 736 3,003 169,083 38 6/15/22 12:29:04 PM
Kujata 3,400 73 4,000 3,400 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 12:57:50 PM
Tonberry 3,400 257 5,000 3,400 3,569 896 3,650 221,328 62 7/6/23 4:03:40 PM
Typhon 4,137 512 4,179 4,137 4,446 159 3,980 155,628 35 6/15/22 11:57:11 AM