Grade 5 Mind Alkahest

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 3/2/23 12:54:41 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

409 326 1,029 326 613 310 128,130 209 2.00

Level 83 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 5 Mind Alkahest

Water Crystal 8 25 200 9/13/23 3:57:39 AM
Underground Spring Water 2 131 262 6/14/22 12:04:50 AM
Tiger Lily 2 200 400 6/8/22 11:39:09 AM
Lunatender Blossom 1 210 210 2/28/23 9:52:22 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,072

Profit/Loss Normal = -57

Profit/Loss HQ = 592

Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Grade 5 Mind Alkahest on Elemental

Aegis 727 827 773 727 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 11:56:09 PM
Atomos 300 980 500 300 803 313 300 120,538 150 5/25/24 3:48:34 PM
Carbuncle 326 409 1,029 326 613 287 310 128,130 209 3/2/23 12:54:41 PM
Garuda 315 726 735 315 490 298 500 182,459 372 2/23/23 6:25:27 PM
Gungnir 735 1,198 1,019 735 854 -122 932 52,102 61 2/24/23 4:31:24 AM
Kujata 944 293 1,050 944 965 -331 1,096 185,378 192 2/27/23 9:13:25 AM
Tonberry 525 397 1,044 525 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 10:52:42 AM
Typhon 454 866 1,050 454 867 159 430 133,657 154 3/5/23 2:51:19 AM