Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 6/9/22 5:06:29 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

316 559 630 559 613 596 14,112 23 13.70

Level 83 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest

Water Crystal 8 25 200 9/13/23 3:57:39 AM
Fernleaf Lavender 2 200 400 2/24/23 5:06:46 PM
Underground Spring Water 2 131 262 6/14/22 12:04:50 AM
Lunatender Blossom 1 210 210 2/28/23 9:52:22 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,072

Profit/Loss Normal = -27

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,143

Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Grade 5 Intelligence Alkahest on Elemental

Aegis 399 556 420 399 304 214 450 2,739 9 6/10/22 12:42:45 AM
Atomos 0 0 0 0 891 613 900 136,462 153 5/25/24 3:48:30 PM
Carbuncle 559 316 630 559 613 54 596 14,112 23 6/9/22 5:06:29 PM
Garuda 788 971 1,974 788 1,722 -175 700 420,392 244 9/19/23 10:53:44 AM
Gungnir 578 156 578 588 665 35 680 35,270 53 6/16/22 7:33:13 AM
Kujata 250 939 575 250 389 363 231 76,271 196 4/11/23 9:59:29 AM
Tonberry 400 762 1,099 400 861 213 332 178,408 207 9/10/22 12:01:11 PM