Night Vinegar

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 9/19/23 12:59:19 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

4801 315 315 342 349 250 421,657 1,206 4.00

Level 75 Culinarian Recipe for Night Vinegar

Royal Grapes 5 158 790 7/3/22 6:52:18 PM
Fire Crystal 7 48 336 1/31/23 10:35:17 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,126

Profit/Loss Normal = -75

Profit/Loss HQ = -25

Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Night Vinegar on Elemental

Aegis 331 1,605 357 331 299 18 300 39,893 133 10/8/23 6:28:32 AM
Atomos 308 2,320 315 308 307 41 350 106,950 348 10/6/23 4:59:53 AM
Carbuncle 315 4,801 315 342 349 34 250 421,657 1,206 9/19/23 12:59:19 PM
Garuda 294 762 294 378 316 55 290 326,850 1,034 9/17/23 6:55:37 AM
Gungnir 315 2,167 315 315 315 34 290 264,402 838 6/17/23 7:59:55 AM
Kujata 410 654 410 418 0 0 0 0 0 6/20/23 3:42:27 PM
Tonberry 420 647 425 420 378 -71 390 107,442 284 6/26/23 12:56:00 PM
Typhon 361 1,752 371 361 339 -12 301 87,131 257 6/14/23 12:56:14 PM