Golden Honey

Server: Carbuncle

Last Updated: 6/10/22 10:14:02 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

2362 420 472 420 480 408 60,566 126 18.70

Level 74 Culinarian Recipe for Golden Honey

Gianthive Chip 5 577 2,885 6/13/22 8:43:29 PM
Fire Crystal 7 48 336 1/31/23 10:35:17 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,221

Profit/Loss Normal = -684

Profit/Loss HQ = -674

Current Prices

Price History

Carbuncle Cross Server Data for Golden Honey on Elemental

Aegis 410 2,143 494 410 355 70 400 203,624 573 6/15/22 11:29:31 PM
Atomos 336 2,560 336 357 314 144 300 111,357 354 6/10/22 10:01:33 AM
Carbuncle 420 2,362 472 420 480 60 408 60,566 126 6/10/22 10:14:02 AM
Garuda 368 1,171 368 368 335 112 349 43,338 129 6/15/22 11:33:11 PM
Gungnir 357 1,749 420 357 387 123 400 21,300 55 6/10/22 7:49:40 PM
Kujata 368 572 420 368 381 112 390 227,558 596 6/15/22 11:44:01 PM
Tonberry 898 1,839 900 898 1,065 -418 899 1,239,448 1,163 8/26/22 5:47:42 PM
Typhon 378 2,455 410 378 358 102 300 47,301 132 6/10/22 7:24:32 PM