Plain Long Skirt

Server: Cactuar

Last Updated: 6/7/23 2:52:42 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

8 101,850 101,850 102,900 110,492 96,000 441,968 4 2.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Plain Long Skirt

Wind Cluster 1 145 145 6/7/24 7:44:56 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 150 300 2/14/25 4:26:07 AM
Vanya Silk 1 1,188 1,188 1/31/24 5:09:36 AM
Silk Thread 1 524 524 9/12/23 4:55:53 PM
Dress Material 1 152,144 152,144 6/16/23 5:40:57 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 154,301

Profit/Loss Normal = -30,551

Profit/Loss HQ = -29,307

Desynthesizes into:

Silk Thread
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Cactuar Cross Server Data for Plain Long Skirt on Aether

Adamantoise 105,000 16 167,974 105,000 137,484 5,492 99,999 412,452 3 6/12/23 4:44:30 AM
Cactuar 101,850 8 101,850 102,900 110,492 8,642 96,000 441,968 4 6/7/23 2:52:42 PM
Faerie 414,750 6 577,500 414,750 0 0 0 0 0 6/26/23 1:29:55 AM
Gilgamesh 104,895 10 115,495 104,895 104,249 5,597 99,999 416,998 4 6/18/23 10:37:06 AM
Jenova 89,987 8 134,000 89,987 89,791 20,505 89,986 448,955 5 1/14/24 2:59:51 AM
Midgardsormr 104,999 10 209,956 104,999 103,089 5,493 109,450 515,449 5 6/14/23 7:43:04 AM
Sargatanas 125,894 9 125,894 134,293 119,963 -15,402 119,890 359,889 3 6/18/23 6:51:18 AM
Siren 157,500 4 163,800 157,500 132,441 -47,008 149,000 662,208 5 6/9/23 2:52:47 AM