Horn Glue

Server: Cactuar

Last Updated: 9/20/24 9:41:59 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

931 1,800 1,800 1,999 2,016 1,199 169,352 84 11.10

Level 30 Alchemist Recipe for Horn Glue

Aldgoat Horn 2 938 1,876 1/31/24 4:57:05 AM
Water Shard 3 75 225 10/5/23 12:33:17 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,101

Profit/Loss Normal = -981

Profit/Loss HQ = -902

Current Prices

Price History

Cactuar Cross Server Data for Horn Glue on Aether

Adamantoise 999 1,032 3,989 999 1,299 1,017 4,000 318,328 245 6/21/24 5:05:30 AM
Cactuar 1,800 931 1,800 1,999 2,016 216 1,199 169,352 84 9/20/24 9:41:59 PM
Faerie 2,300 317 2,470 2,300 2,236 -284 2,299 225,843 101 11/13/22 5:27:26 PM
Gilgamesh 2,495 287 2,495 0 1,731 -479 2,500 739,522 427 5/1/24 11:05:56 PM
Jenova 1,992 160 1,992 1,995 1,992 24 1,993 229,091 115 1/2/24 2:55:20 AM
Midgardsormr 1,598 205 1,598 1,600 1,038 418 1,500 181,664 175 5/5/23 12:54:39 PM
Sargatanas 3,500 156 7,000 3,500 2,351 -1,484 2,002 761,985 324 5/1/24 11:11:59 PM
Siren 46,000 7 66,000 46,000 2,005 -43,984 3,000 240,634 120 2/1/25 8:50:18 PM