Crystal Glass

Server: Cactuar

Last Updated: 11/11/24 1:52:31 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

399 1,599 1,599 1,602 1,937 1,601 486,288 251 1.60

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Crystal Glass

Water Crystal 5 39 195 6/7/24 8:00:04 PM
Minium 1 621 621 6/24/23 3:47:18 PM
Natron 1 525 525 2/24/23 9:21:46 AM
Silex 3 212 636 2/27/23 11:59:04 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,977

Profit/Loss Normal = -377

Profit/Loss HQ = -378

60 Deluxe Highland Pendant Lamp
60 Highland Chandelier
90 Luminous Wooden Loft
90 Simple Arched Window
90 Imitation Highland Window
90 Amaurotine Spire Chandelier
90 Imitation Stained Crystal Roundel
90 Wondrous Windoor
90 Leveilleur Estate Chandelier
90 Far Eastern Stained Crystal Roundel
90 Hannish Ceiling Lamp
90 Connoisseur's Aquarium
90 Watcher's Palace Ceiling Lamp
90 Imitation Curtained Window
90 Imitation Moonlit Window
90 Ivy Pendant Wall Light
90 Crystarium Pendant Wall Light
90 Imitation Closed Door
90 Colossal Chronometer Window
96 Decorative Hingan Door
96 Wooden Garden Gate
62 Message Book Stand
53 Stained Crystal Interior Wall
60 Chimerical Felt Coif of Striking
60 Chimerical Felt Coif of Aiming
60 Chimerical Felt Coif of Scouting
54 Hardsilver Monocle of Healing
54 Hardsilver Magnifiers of Casting
51 Mythrite Goggles of Crafting
51 Mythrite Goggles of Gathering
60 Cauldronmaster's Alembic
60 Forgemaster's Goggles
60 Cauldronmaster's Spectacles
60 Faerie Chandelier
50 Elegant Rimless Glasses
50 Reading Glasses
60 Sky Pirate's Mask of Striking
60 Sky Pirate's Mask of Scouting
60 Sky Pirate's Cap of Healing
60 Sky Pirate's Cap of Casting
60 Replica Allagan Scepter
60 Replica Allagan Star Globe
60 Replica High Allagan Staff
60 Replica High Allagan Star Globe
60 Replica Allagan Rod
60 Indirect Lighting
60 Indirect Stand Lighting
60 Ironworks Cap of Gathering
60 Carbonweave Cap of Gathering
60 High Mythrite Alembic
58 Tier 2 Aquarium
60 Crystal Chandelier
60 Indirect Wall Lighting
50 Pendant Lamp Planter
65 Oriental Dressing Case
60 House Fortemps Chandelier
70 Fool's Portal
70 Imitation Stained Crystal Ornament
70 Odder Otter Lantern
70 Tier 2 Metal Aquarium
70 Eorzean Lantern
70 Classic Chandelier
62 Dodo Message Book Stand
51 Imitation Shuttered Window
70 Tier 4 Metal Aquarium
70 Carbuncle Chandelier
76 Crystarium Chandelier
70 Imitation Stained Crystal Pane
78 Eulmoran Chandelier
80 Factory Chandelier
80 Factory Wall Lamp
50 Rarefied Mythrite Goggles
56 Rarefied Hardsilver Monocle
80 Skylight Chandelier
80 Cloud Acorn Chandelier
80 Windowed Partition
80 Crystarium Wardrobe
86 Imitation Wooden Skylight
86 Pendant Wall Light

Current Prices

Price History

Cactuar Cross Server Data for Crystal Glass on Aether

Adamantoise 2,000 223 2,400 2,000 2,558 -63 2,500 519,414 203 1/3/24 6:25:16 AM
Cactuar 1,599 399 1,599 1,602 1,937 338 1,601 486,288 251 11/11/24 1:52:31 AM
Faerie 3,150 300 3,675 3,150 2,691 -1,213 2,700 347,150 129 3/1/23 12:45:16 AM
Gilgamesh 3,447 310 3,498 3,447 3,327 -1,510 3,499 622,261 187 10/13/23 12:42:47 AM
Jenova 1,199 832 1,199 1,200 1,982 738 1,999 465,987 235 6/3/24 5:17:18 AM
Midgardsormr 2,908 546 2,908 2,910 3,361 -971 2,910 426,858 127 5/7/24 12:28:03 AM
Sargatanas 2,100 620 2,834 2,100 2,559 -163 2,500 419,694 164 2/22/23 9:30:55 AM
Siren 2,097 247 4,514 2,097 2,263 -160 2,250 396,198 175 2/22/23 7:47:10 PM