Ahriman Vase

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 5/21/23 12:47:42 AM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

3 76,650 76,650 68,999 72,999 137,999 2 1.50

Level 39 Goldsmith Recipe for Ahriman Vase

Fire Shard 4 100 400 2/19/25 9:05:53 AM
Wind Shard 5 67 335 10/4/24 12:23:40 AM
Brass Ingot 2 59 118 10/26/24 5:44:45 PM
Ahriman Tears 1 4,722 4,722 6/19/23 9:49:23 AM
Umbrella Fig 1 552 552 4/7/23 3:15:23 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,127

Profit/Loss Normal = 66,872

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Brass Ingot
Wind Shard
Fire Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Ahriman Vase on Crystal

Balmung 99,750 2 0 99,750 95,000 -30,751 95,000 475,000 5 6/22/23 3:50:42 PM
Coeurl 76,073 1 0 76,073 66,525 -7,074 72,450 399,150 6 6/8/23 11:49:59 AM
Goblin 78,740 3 0 78,740 70,199 -9,741 73,000 350,996 5 6/14/23 6:55:09 PM
Zalera 209,998 1 0 209,998 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/23 11:54:56 AM
Brynhildr 76,650 3 0 76,650 68,999 -7,651 72,999 137,999 2 5/21/23 12:47:42 AM
Diabolos 314,999 3 0 314,999 67,815 -246,000 69,995 203,445 3 6/9/23 10:21:00 PM
Malboro 81,995 2 0 81,995 85,000 -12,996 85,000 85,000 1 12/13/23 9:02:07 PM
Mateus 125,977 1 0 125,977 119,976 -56,978 119,977 239,953 2 5/27/23 3:28:44 AM