Cottage Cheese

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 10/3/24 11:24:41 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

522 69 150 69 64 150 14,469 223 2.30

Level 17 Culinarian Recipe for Cottage Cheese

Fire Shard 1 100 100 2/19/25 9:05:53 AM
Aldgoat Milk 1 64 64 10/3/24 11:24:23 PM
Cider Vinegar 1 158 158 10/22/24 12:20:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 322

Profit/Loss Normal = -42

Profit/Loss HQ = 43

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Cottage Cheese on Crystal

Balmung 1,049 1,816 1,050 1,049 1,033 -985 260 47,520 46 5/26/23 1:53:56 PM
Coeurl 105 158 105 132 41 -41 15 4,005 96 4/17/23 7:00:01 PM
Goblin 20 583 32 20 31 44 28 5,836 184 4/23/23 10:59:15 AM
Zalera 104 40 104 105 34 -40 51 5,156 148 6/17/23 2:58:59 AM
Brynhildr 69 522 150 69 64 -5 150 14,469 223 10/3/24 11:24:41 PM
Diabolos 70 168 100 70 94 -6 51 73,374 774 4/26/24 12:04:10 PM
Malboro 50 665 52 50 51 14 21 668 13 6/12/23 7:56:00 AM
Mateus 53 1,236 53 53 63 11 50 9,589 152 6/16/23 11:11:47 PM