Stuffed Peppers

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 10/3/24 11:38:09 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

684 2,500 2,555 2,500 3,351 2,550 864,635 258 2.70

Level 99 Culinarian Recipe for Stuffed Peppers

Water Crystal 8 45 360 10/4/24 12:11:48 AM
Alien Onion 2 9 18 6/2/24 9:34:53 PM
Ut'ohmu Chili Sauce 1 0 0
Turali Corn Oil 1 0 0
Bell Pepper 2 0 0
Alpaca Fillet 1 370 370 10/3/24 11:33:55 PM
Fire Crystal 8 66 528 10/4/24 12:12:12 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,276

Profit/Loss Normal = 825

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,125

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Stuffed Peppers on Crystal

Balmung 2,985 520 2,985 3,190 3,217 366 3,330 466,526 145 2/23/25 2:24:01 AM
Goblin 3,000 272 3,000 0 2,790 351 3,029 276,296 99 2/18/25 12:58:32 AM
Brynhildr 2,500 684 2,555 2,500 3,351 851 2,550 864,635 258 10/3/24 11:38:09 PM