King Crab Cake

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 10/3/24 11:41:01 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

72 1,300 13,000 1,300 5,464 8,000 131,139 24 3.00

Level 83 Culinarian Recipe for King Crab Cake

Cyclops Onion 2 600 1,200 10/3/24 11:36:55 PM
Water Crystal 7 45 315 10/4/24 12:11:48 AM
Upland Wheat Flour 1 872 872 10/27/24 9:30:54 PM
Lorikeet Egg 1 1 1 10/3/24 11:35:03 PM
Perilla Oil 1 899 899 2/1/24 5:34:29 PM
Spiny King Crab 1 3,412 3,412 9/13/23 11:50:21 AM
Fire Crystal 8 66 528 10/4/24 12:12:12 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 7,227

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,109

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,591

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for King Crab Cake on Crystal

Balmung 1,233 278 7,000 1,233 8,971 4,231 8,200 125,597 14 6/9/23 3:36:26 AM
Coeurl 1,260 52 3,149 1,260 7,357 4,204 2,999 132,437 18 5/27/23 8:41:06 PM
Goblin 3,150 54 5,250 3,150 8,782 2,314 4,000 201,996 23 5/7/23 7:02:29 PM
Zalera 2,100 240 2,100 0 1,986 3,364 1,000 284,000 143 6/24/23 12:53:06 AM
Brynhildr 1,300 72 13,000 1,300 5,464 4,164 8,000 131,139 24 10/3/24 11:41:01 PM
Diabolos 524 209 3,150 524 633 4,940 3,300 17,100 27 6/23/23 6:12:51 AM
Malboro 7,000 36 7,000 7,000 4,145 -1,536 5,000 99,500 24 3/12/25 4:44:59 PM
Mateus 8,430 8 0 8,430 2,982 -2,966 2,888 59,642 20 6/12/23 3:46:16 AM