Ophiotauroskin Necklace of Gathering

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 6/20/23 2:19:47 AM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

1 160,650 160,650 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 89 Leatherworker Recipe for Ophiotauroskin Necklace of Gathering

Wind Crystal 8 59 472 5/4/24 10:13:03 PM
Earth Crystal 8 31 248 10/4/24 12:15:32 AM
Integral Lumber 1 1,312 1,312 2/24/25 11:31:31 PM
Moon Gel 1 657 657 2/28/23 6:09:07 AM
Ophiotauros Leather 1 6,994 6,994 2/20/25 4:34:58 AM
Dynamis Crystal 1 178 178 1/23/23 6:53:49 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,861

Profit/Loss Normal = 11,139

Profit/Loss HQ = 65,139

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Ophiotauroskin Necklace of Gathering on Crystal

Balmung 42,000 3 42,000 0 199,999 -42,000 200,000 799,997 4 6/4/23 4:48:08 AM
Coeurl 18,375 6 18,375 0 17,500 -18,375 17,500 140,000 8 4/28/23 11:34:11 PM
Goblin 47,133 3 83,998 47,133 62,503 -47,133 62,503 62,503 1 6/26/23 12:53:48 PM
Zalera 2,099,999 1 2,099,999 0 40,000 -2,099,999 40,000 40,000 1 6/10/23 10:40:08 AM
Brynhildr 160,650 1 160,650 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/20/23 2:19:47 AM
Diabolos 31,500 10 31,500 0 35,256 -31,500 29,990 105,770 3 6/27/23 10:33:05 AM
Malboro 117,596 3 117,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 7:58:37 PM
Mateus 18,690 6 18,690 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 8:50:23 AM