Competent Craftsman's Syrup

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 2/27/23 6:42:43 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 185
More Information

Gathering info:

232 368 420 368 645 387 9,688 15 15.50

Level 75 Alchemist Recipe for Competent Craftsman's Syrup

Lightning Crystal 6 33 198 10/4/24 12:10:35 AM
Water Crystal 7 45 315 10/4/24 12:11:48 AM
Kudzu Root 2 390 780 10/3/24 11:37:37 PM
Vampire Cup Vine 2 489 978 4/1/24 8:28:49 PM
Sweet Alyssum 2 285 570 12/23/23 9:28:46 PM
Highland Spring Water 1 610 610 2/3/24 9:59:18 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,451

Profit/Loss Normal = -820

Profit/Loss HQ = -825

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Competent Craftsman's Syrup on Crystal

Balmung 205 35 0 205 397 440 195 13,901 35 2/25/23 7:58:52 AM
Coeurl 270 43 2,000 270 2,747 375 280 200,542 73 2/8/23 2:43:44 PM
Goblin 525 31 0 525 0 0 0 0 0 2/22/23 7:37:40 PM
Zalera 195 104 1,000 195 396 450 185 3,170 8 3/1/23 6:31:07 AM
Brynhildr 368 232 420 368 645 277 387 9,688 15 2/27/23 6:42:43 AM
Diabolos 471 66 3,150 471 649 174 604 25,315 39 2/25/23 8:28:38 AM
Malboro 185 128 4,799 185 332 460 150 66,761 201 8/5/23 7:33:27 AM
Mateus 150 39 0 150 186 495 120 1,118 6 2/23/25 12:14:39 PM