Sandwich Basket

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 7/2/22 6:52:23 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

17 129 129 139 20 1,814 13 1.30

Level 17 Culinarian Recipe for Sandwich Basket

Fire Shard 1 100 100 2/19/25 9:05:53 AM
Walnut Bread 1 199 199 10/18/23 6:17:05 AM
Dodo Egg 3 5 15 10/3/24 11:34:17 PM
Ruby Tomato 4 89 356 10/3/24 11:35:34 PM
La Noscean Lettuce 2 94 188 10/3/24 11:35:38 PM
Water Shard 1 61 61 10/4/24 12:24:41 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 919

Profit/Loss Normal = -769

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Sandwich Basket on Crystal

Balmung 588 25 0 588 419 -449 560 3,354 8 2/25/23 11:43:21 AM
Coeurl 150 27 0 150 146 -11 150 2,044 14 3/26/22 10:33:42 PM
Goblin 2,100 14 0 2,100 790 -1,961 1,000 9,485 12 2/27/23 10:36:06 AM
Zalera 150 17 0 150 122 -11 185 1,229 10 3/10/22 4:00:52 AM
Brynhildr 129 17 0 129 139 10 20 1,814 13 7/2/22 6:52:23 PM
Diabolos 104 12 0 104 111 35 98 446 4 2/21/23 3:10:15 AM
Malboro 150 12 0 150 177 -11 175 887 5 4/18/23 3:24:47 AM
Mateus 150 22 0 150 391 -11 450 7,823 20 2/6/23 10:46:09 PM