Cottonseed Oil

Server: Brynhildr

Last Updated: 12/23/23 9:35:59 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

54 200 209 200 114 214 17,364 151 0.40

Level 63 Culinarian Recipe for Cottonseed Oil

Ruby Cotton Boll 5 400 2,000 5/30/24 10:30:54 PM
Fire Shard 7 100 700 2/19/25 9:05:53 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,700

Profit/Loss Normal = -780

Profit/Loss HQ = -686

Current Prices

Price History

Brynhildr Cross Server Data for Cottonseed Oil on Crystal

Balmung 1,512 25 1,512 1,512 187 -1,398 490 22,922 122 6/21/23 7:39:59 PM
Coeurl 197 808 210 197 411 -83 200 24,280 59 6/23/23 10:09:14 PM
Goblin 462 312 462 462 1,185 -348 440 14,228 12 6/27/23 7:53:20 PM
Zalera 104 471 0 104 107 10 200 749 7 6/18/23 8:26:49 PM
Brynhildr 200 54 209 200 114 -86 214 17,364 151 12/23/23 9:35:59 PM
Diabolos 634 162 634 1,043 976 -520 4 5,860 6 5/18/23 3:22:56 AM
Malboro 420 388 420 945 265 -306 400 80,880 305 5/31/23 5:59:44 PM
Mateus 41 505 42 41 38 73 38 1,757 46 6/23/23 7:45:59 AM