Allagan Catalyst

Server: Belias

Last Updated: 9/17/23 10:42:22 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 26
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Gathering info:

104 42 42 43 26 1,272 29 3.60
70 Wind-up Chimera
50 Syrcus Tower
50 Platinum Bangles of Fending
50 Platinum Earrings of Fending
50 Platinum Scarf of Fending
50 Platinum Ring of Fending
50 Platinum Bangles of Slaying
50 Platinum Earrings of Slaying
50 Platinum Scarf of Slaying
50 Platinum Ring of Slaying
50 Platinum Bangles of Aiming
50 Platinum Earrings of Aiming
50 Platinum Scarf of Aiming
50 Platinum Ring of Aiming
50 Platinum Bangles of Healing
50 Platinum Earrings of Healing
50 Platinum Scarf of Healing
50 Platinum Ring of Healing
50 Platinum Bangles of Casting
50 Platinum Earrings of Casting
50 Platinum Scarf of Casting
50 Platinum Ring of Casting
50 Wootz Shield
50 Wootz Scimitar
50 Wootz Knuckles
50 Wootz Bhuj
50 Wootz Spear
50 Ebony Longbow
50 Wootz Daggers
50 Ebony Cane
50 Ebony Staff
50 Kirimu Grimoire
50 Kirimu Codex
50 Tinker's Calm
50 Wootz Faussar
50 Wootz Revolver
50 Platinum Planisphere
60 Gordian Bureau
60 Savage Gordian Bureau
60 Gordian Chair
60 Savage Gordian Chair
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60 Replica Allagan Grimoire of Healing
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60 Replica High Allagan Baghnakhs
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60 Replica High Allagan Staff
60 Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Casting
60 Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Healing
60 Replica High Allagan Cleavers
60 Replica High Allagan Guillotine
60 Replica High Allagan Pistol
60 Replica High Allagan Star Globe
60 Faust Striking Dummy
60 Replica Allagan Rod

Current Prices

Price History

Belias Cross Server Data for Allagan Catalyst on Meteor

Ramuh 28 162 0 28 37 15 26 907 24 2/21/23 1:44:00 PM
Unicorn 91 2,684 0 91 237 -48 101 13,089 55 6/12/22 1:09:55 AM
Valefor 521 44 0 521 477 -478 440 11,928 25 6/12/22 12:58:48 AM
Yojimbo 10 135 0 10 40 33 9 2,889 71 10/30/22 5:46:26 AM
Zeromus 420 156 0 420 839 -377 350 20,984 25 6/12/22 12:04:05 AM
Belias 42 104 0 42 43 1 26 1,272 29 9/17/23 10:42:22 PM
Mandragora 1,050 134 0 1,050 363 -1,007 900 8,369 23 6/11/22 11:37:33 PM
Shinryu 231 230 0 231 175 -188 126 2,991 17 6/11/22 11:14:53 PM