Platinum Nugget

Server: Belias

Last Updated: 6/8/22 5:11:39 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

8 2,099 2,100 2,099 2,000 2,004 16,001 8 1.00

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Platinum Nugget

Fire Cluster 1 110 110 10/2/22 6:50:07 PM
Wind Cluster 2 31 62 9/30/22 5:57:41 PM
Platinum Ore 3 525 1,575 6/16/22 5:32:32 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,747

Profit/Loss Normal = -747

Profit/Loss HQ = -942

Current Prices

Price History

Belias Cross Server Data for Platinum Nugget on Meteor

Ramuh 3,156 38 3,156 3,465 0 0 0 0 0 3/18/23 11:59:03 AM
Unicorn 1,155 80 2,100 1,155 2,093 845 2,000 106,749 51 6/11/22 4:22:32 PM
Valefor 2,500 321 3,800 2,500 3,617 -500 2,500 245,977 68 7/23/22 2:48:27 PM
Yojimbo 3,233 72 3,287 3,233 3,250 -1,233 2,500 19,500 6 5/18/23 1:40:11 AM
Zeromus 3,255 76 5,250 3,255 3,188 -1,255 3,005 25,510 8 6/15/23 11:56:03 AM
Belias 2,099 8 2,100 2,099 2,000 -99 2,004 16,001 8 6/8/22 5:11:39 PM
Mandragora 3,150 29 3,654 3,150 3,150 -1,150 3,500 18,900 6 6/11/22 3:00:32 PM
Shinryu 2,098 53 2,100 2,098 2,036 -98 2,000 71,288 35 6/11/22 2:37:29 PM