Sohm Al Tart

Server: Belias

Last Updated: 5/7/21 11:38:44 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 13
More Information

Gathering info:

205 77 840 77 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 54 Culinarian Recipe for Sohm Al Tart

Highland Flour 2 315 630 6/18/21 12:23:33 PM
Dark Chestnut 3 0 0
Water Crystal 3 35 105 2/24/23 11:06:42 PM
Maple Sugar 1 11 11 6/17/21 7:50:31 PM
Sweet Cream 1 32 32 6/18/21 12:23:37 PM
Fire Crystal 4 26 104 10/7/22 5:48:28 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 882

Profit/Loss Normal = 6

Profit/Loss HQ = -279

56 High House Supper Set
55 House Borel Tea Set

Current Prices

Price History

Belias Cross Server Data for Sohm Al Tart on Meteor

Ramuh 200 117 1,000 200 212 -200 113 9,130 43 6/4/22 6:47:17 PM
Unicorn 83 119 900 83 257 -83 500 10,805 42 5/29/21 11:31:37 AM
Valefor 14 131 210 14 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/21 9:44:46 PM
Yojimbo 880 38 2,000 880 2,106 -880 1,300 75,824 36 5/20/23 12:25:21 PM
Belias 77 205 840 77 0 0 0 0 0 5/7/21 11:38:44 PM
Mandragora 88 190 693 88 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/21 2:35:33 AM
Shinryu 88 180 1,050 88 97 -88 100 2,153 22 6/15/21 1:51:00 AM