
Server: Behemoth

Last Updated: 5/23/23 6:43:23 AM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

74 208 420 208 367 200 4,780 13 5.70

Level 32 Goldsmith Recipe for Heliodor

Wind Shard 3 60 180 1/29/24 9:45:16 AM
Raw Heliodor 1 55 55 2/21/23 4:53:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 235

Profit/Loss Normal = -160

Profit/Loss HQ = -55

Current Prices

Price History

Behemoth Cross Server Data for Heliodor on Primal

Behemoth 208 74 420 208 367 159 200 4,780 13 5/23/23 6:43:23 AM
Excalibur 20 314 35 20 25 347 20 233 9 9/10/23 2:08:32 AM
Exodus 74 196 74 74 88 293 71 2,566 29 6/9/23 4:49:56 PM
Famfrit 60 196 100 60 80 307 80 480 6 11/9/24 5:22:50 PM
Hyperion 16 246 53 16 28 351 15 480 17 6/8/23 7:18:49 PM
Lamia 2 207 552 2 15 365 1 2,414 154 6/27/23 4:37:59 PM
Leviathan 20 306 40 20 28 347 44 897 31 1/9/22 5:58:21 AM
Ultros 1 199 2 1 19 366 5 190 10 11/11/23 10:47:52 AM