Fruit and Aloe Jelly

Server: Behemoth

Last Updated: 10/14/24 1:15:51 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

959 1,429 2,950 1,429 2,904 2,950 610,019 210 4.60

Level 98 Culinarian Recipe for Fruit and Aloe Jelly

Water Crystal 8 58 464 11/5/24 1:08:26 PM
Ovibos Milk 1 448 448 1/29/24 9:49:36 AM
Royal Maple Syrup 1 0 0
Mesquite Beans 1 0 0
Turali Aloe 2 0 0
Branchbearer Fruit 1 0 0
Gelatin 1 100 100 5/1/24 4:36:49 PM
Fire Crystal 8 61 488 10/30/24 1:05:40 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,500

Profit/Loss Normal = 929

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,450

Current Prices

Price History

Behemoth Cross Server Data for Fruit and Aloe Jelly on Primal

Behemoth 1,429 959 2,950 1,429 2,904 1,475 2,950 610,019 210 10/14/24 1:15:51 PM
Hyperion 1,200 150 2,998 1,200 2,858 1,704 2,999 365,950 128 2/17/25 3:24:40 PM