Perilla Oil

Server: Behemoth

Last Updated: 10/15/24 1:20:58 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

1403 1,893 1,893 2,012 1,390 1,893 613,351 441 3.20

Level 82 Culinarian Recipe for Perilla Oil

Thavnairian Perilla Leaf 6 339 2,034 10/28/24 12:08:05 PM
Fire Crystal 8 61 488 10/30/24 1:05:40 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,522

Profit/Loss Normal = 959

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,052

Current Prices

Price History

Behemoth Cross Server Data for Perilla Oil on Primal

Behemoth 1,893 1,403 1,893 2,012 1,390 -503 1,893 613,351 441 10/15/24 1:20:58 PM
Excalibur 300 1,780 800 300 800 1,090 500 299,389 374 4/23/24 1:03:51 AM
Exodus 735 1,496 1,050 735 1,224 655 700 747,065 610 2/24/23 1:35:26 PM
Famfrit 600 478 700 600 641 790 665 402,413 627 4/20/24 12:12:24 PM
Hyperion 500 394 1,095 500 965 890 600 197,033 204 2/17/25 3:07:49 PM
Lamia 573 940 1,200 573 1,336 817 1,604 862,057 645 2/2/24 10:34:26 AM
Leviathan 417 616 417 1,000 419 973 419 176,803 421 10/15/24 1:24:06 PM
Ultros 703 1,347 1,018 703 816 687 899 470,101 576 2/28/23 8:11:12 PM