Ruby Cotton Bottoms

Server: Behemoth

Last Updated: 10/16/24 12:14:17 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 393
More Information

Gathering info:

3 18,500 79,969 18,500 49,480 79,960 98,960 2 1.50

Level 63 Weaver Recipe for Ruby Cotton Bottoms

Wind Crystal 3 90 270 1/29/24 9:44:48 AM
Lightning Crystal 4 25 100 10/26/24 3:04:53 AM
High Steel Nugget 1 800 800 4/27/24 7:18:33 PM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 3 649 1,947 5/4/22 9:29:09 PM
Ruby Cotton Yarn 1 130 130 6/12/23 4:54:48 AM
Gyuki Leather 1 1,000 1,000 12/15/22 8:06:04 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,247

Profit/Loss Normal = 14,253

Profit/Loss HQ = 75,713

Desynthesizes into:

Lightning Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Behemoth Cross Server Data for Ruby Cotton Bottoms on Primal

Behemoth 18,500 3 79,969 18,500 49,480 30,980 79,960 98,960 2 10/16/24 12:14:17 PM
Excalibur 16,798 31 18,783 16,798 16,755 32,682 16,777 83,775 5 6/9/22 8:25:08 PM
Exodus 27,186 11 115,437 27,186 45,800 22,294 38,950 137,400 3 9/13/23 8:56:43 AM
Famfrit 40,000 3 40,000 60,000 34,999 9,480 30,000 279,995 8 4/28/24 7:34:33 PM
Hyperion 19,950 2 50,394 19,950 18,995 29,530 18,995 18,995 1 9/12/23 10:44:04 PM
Lamia 20,362 6 32,519 20,362 0 0 0 0 0 3/17/23 1:58:45 AM
Leviathan 30,430 5 30,430 0 42,044 19,050 68,333 210,220 5 6/13/22 8:15:08 PM
Ultros 21,000 12 34,881 21,000 28,087 28,480 30,000 140,439 5 6/9/22 5:27:49 PM