Ivy Pillar

Server: Behemoth

Last Updated: 2/10/23 10:40:46 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 75
More Information

Gathering info:

23 41,989 41,989 40,797 40,999 815,954 20 1.10

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Ivy Pillar

Wind Crystal 3 90 270 1/29/24 9:44:48 AM
Growth Formula Delta 3 2,625 7,875 6/26/23 6:45:19 AM
Cut Stone 6 1,048 6,288 6/25/23 6:51:49 PM
Mortar 4 850 3,400 4/30/24 5:32:21 PM
Island Seedling 4 309 1,236 1/12/24 1:31:40 AM
Fire Crystal 2 62 124 10/7/23 4:58:11 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,193

Profit/Loss Normal = 45,807

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Growth Formula Delta
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Behemoth Cross Server Data for Ivy Pillar on Primal

Behemoth 41,989 23 0 41,989 40,797 -1,192 40,999 815,954 20 2/10/23 10:40:46 PM
Excalibur 73,180 12 0 73,180 69,323 -32,383 69,696 346,616 5 10/8/23 2:36:03 AM
Exodus 53,025 11 0 53,025 49,188 -12,228 50,000 245,940 5 2/28/23 12:57:16 AM
Famfrit 75,000 22 0 75,000 49,471 -34,203 83,999 939,960 19 5/19/23 4:45:22 PM
Hyperion 39,895 13 0 39,895 45,595 902 45,994 227,975 5 9/12/23 4:03:03 PM
Lamia 61,942 15 0 61,942 62,562 -21,145 58,888 938,439 15 2/27/23 1:01:00 AM
Leviathan 44,079 20 0 44,079 28,730 -3,282 27,897 143,653 5 2/20/23 8:22:25 PM
Ultros 40,945 12 0 40,945 38,994 -148 39,000 350,950 9 2/20/23 5:53:45 AM